Carlson with President George W. Bush

Carlson at the Crawford, Texas ranch with President and Mrs. George W. Bush and Fang Fenglei,  Chairman of Goldman Sachs, China (far left), Frank Jao, Chairman of Bridgecreek International (second from left)and Elmer Yuen, Chinese entrepreneur.  China is interested in importing cattle, cows, horses, etc, from Texas

Carlson with Vice President Dick Cheney

Carlson with Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld

Carlson and wife, Jan, at White House reception with President George Bush and Barbara Bush

Carlson at White House reception with President Ronald Reagan

Carlson partnering on the White House tennis court with future President George H.W. Bush, against President Ford and White House domestic policy advisor Roger Porter (now Harvard professor)

Carlson in daily meeting in Oval Office with President Ford

Carlson in meeting in Oval Office with President Ford, Ron Nessen, David Gergen, Robert Hartman and then Chief of Staff, Dick Cheney (far right)

Carlson with President Richard Nixon in Oval Office

Carlson with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at a reception at home of President Nixon in San Clemente

Carlson with Senator John and Cindy McCain